The Highest Resolution UT Images Available
The AcoustoCam i600™ Offers Superior Straight Beam C-scan Images

Pipes or flat plates are scanned immediately
Inspectors can be certified for field usage of the i600 in two days.

Small & Compact
Small probe allows for versatility

Quality & Repeatability
Internal defects within metals, composites and other materials are displayed with stunning quality

Higher Probability of Detection
More Accurate and Repeatable Results
Quality Images
Reduced Production Downtime
The AcoustoCam i600
Straight Beam Imaging
Automated calibration
Training in two days
Real time C-scan mapping
Quantitative A-scan capture
Offline analysis tool
Quantitative Ultrasonic Testing Made Simple
Complies with following codes
ASTM E317-06a: Standard Practice for Evaluating Performance Characteristics of
Ultrasonic Pulse-Echo Testing Instruments and Systems
ASTM 1324-11: Standard Guide for Measuring Some Electronic
Characteristics of Ultrasonic Testing Instruments
Boeing NDT Procedure: Part 4: 51-00-19 Ultrasonic Inspection of BMS 8-276 Solid
Laminate Fuselage Structures for Damage (Ultrasonic Camera)